"We never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
R. Buckminster Fuller
Everspring Health is a Minnesota based lifestyle, health and healing cooperative founded by healthcare practitioners who are determined to change the existing reality in healthcare. Focusing on the area of preventive, rehabilitative and quality of life services Everspring Health seeks to change the way we look at health and then change the way we approach healthcare.
Changing the landscape of healthcare requires that we begin by promoting wellness and enhancing quality of life as the core objective of healthcare and healthy living. Utilizing a cooperative business model it is our intent to develop a community resource where everyone involved seeks to do their part in the pursuit of greater health and a better life. Everspring Health is a simple, fundamental concept where healthcare becomes a partnered, integrated and personalized effort between practitioners and clients. Where practitioners become facilitators of lifestyle, health and healing programs and clients embrace the responsibility for their choices and intentions in the experiences they wish to create.
Our vision for Everspring Health is to renew the concept of everyday healthcare as one of personal health facilitation where the first line of healthcare is a proactive effort towards quality of life. It is important that healthcare resources serve as a first line of defense. However, the current standard of care focuses too much on a defensive posture attempting to "catch" disease as a means of preventing the worst outcomes.
The mission for primary healthcare resources must be the space where data informs customized strategies to support the need of the individual, to make sure everyone can be included in a better experience of their day and their world. When we define disease and the subsequent care in a way that forces an individual to meet the data, we build in inherent bias and limitations for our ability to support the individual. This is why you hear us talk about the fundamentals more than anything else.
The fundamentals of health are beneficial for everyone because they can meet people where they are while providing the objective structure to accomplish three objectives.
- Help people create awareness of the quality of life they desire.
- Help people understand how to process information to their benefit.
- Finally, help people put awareness and information processing in play to achieve an outcome.
We feel strongly that an effort towards quality of life provides a more honest and genuine means of benchmarking progress and validating the needs of the client. Nobody wants to experience injury or disease and to spend all our time and effort on "catching" all possible outcomes of worst-case scenario is unrealistic and sets up everyone involved for some level of disappointment.
By focusing on personalized service and better quality of life even if a disease is still present as partners we can seek the best options for improving peace and productivity. We can pursue a genuine experience for the individual and still pursue the best possible outcome with regards to any condition being addressed. By seeking this path as partners this perspective empowers the client and practitioner by pursuing a productive goal and by providing a realistic means of measuring progress. This is just one example of the Everspring Health mindset – a vision continuously renewed and further cultivated on a daily basis.
As practitioners we believe we have a responsibility to ourselves, to our clients as well as to the system of which we are apart. Health and wellness is in need of a more appropriate perspective; one that is client centered, where quality of life is a top priority and where effective intuitive protocols take precedent over habitual diagnostics and generalized treatment strategies. We don’t want to be the best for the system, for our peers or for some extrinsic reality; we want to be the best for the individual – each individual, every individual - who walks in our door. The Everspring Health mission merged with our model is long over due and we are asking our clients to join with us so that together we can help cultivate a new era in health and healing that benefits all involved.